Onward to 2016

I don't blog much these days but December has always been an interesting month for me as I love X'mas save for the rain in Singapore. I'm usually in a good mood due to the festivity especially if I'm overseas soaking in the X'mas lights, enjoying the good food and happily shopping in the cold. I reflect on how I have spent the year and hope that next year would be better. Because no matter how good this year has been, you always want the next year to be better and that's human nature I guess.

2015 has been a particularly challenging year for me in all aspects of my life and I'm glad 2016 is almost here! While I think that trading in 2015 was really difficult for me as I made the transition from investor to trader, I can only work on myself such that 2016 would end on a positive note. Whatever Mr Market throws at me, I've gotta be ready to decide and then act upon it. 

But I've not forgotten my investor roots and intend to park some money in some growth stocks which I have yet to identify. This was after hearing an elderly tell his tales of how he made some moolah on US stocks, some of which he still holds. That was inspiring and thought provoking and kinda made me want to get into the action again of finding hidden gems that look like stones on the outside.

Now trading on the other hand requires different skills which I'm picking up although I can't say it's natural to me, I think I'm getting better but I've yet to feel that it's just second nature to me. Somehow the competitive nature inside me just can't seem to give up or rather don't wish to or rather can't give up so I'm still in the game. My calls are getting better and I've adjusted to the crazy daylight savings hours but there's still room for improvement.

I'm a huge advocate of lifelong learning, maybe because I get bored easily and I get interested to learn all sorts of things. They became sources of ideas for investment since I was exposed to all sorts of things. In fact, ACCICB used to threaten to ban me from taking up classes for all sorts of things which are unrelated to each other. What can I say, I'm a lady of diverse interests although I'm not sure how that will help me in becoming a better trader!

I have trimmed down my investment portfolio in 2015 and it now comprises of SG stocks. I'm looking to add some overseas growth stocks to my portfolio and I think I'm quite keen on US stocks despite having not bought a single US stock in my life. ACCICB has got bad experiences with US stocks but I think in such a big market like US, there are bound to be many hidden gems. USD seems to be more stable now so I don't have to fear currency risk eating into my investment profits.

I won't be adding any more SG stocks as I've a bearish sentiment on SG market and I'm looking to sell the rest once they break even which I think could be a long time from now considering how bad the market was in 2015. This was due to not averaging in although I'm glad I didn't, because it was not a recovery that we saw but more like a dead cat bounce which allowed me to cut 2 SG stocks at break even.

Farewell and good riddance to 2015 and here's hoping that 2016 would be a smoother, more prosperous and less vexing year ahead!


  1. good luck and hope for the best in 2016. every market has its days and markets do revert to the mean. Singapore unfortunately is rather dead, but prospecting business is a matter of buying what is worth $1 for less than that always.

    1. Hi Kyith,

      Agree about buying a business lesser than what it's worth but the SG market is an anomaly, doesn't behave like the other markets and general trends, maybe because it's a small market so although currency risks are nil, the time required to make a buck is longer than other markets

    2. Singapore market is because of mismanagement by incumbent government that wants their hands ineverything, limiting risk taking.

      you ask the qn: where is the next godfathers like FF Wong of boustead, Kwek Leng Beng, Wee Cho Yaw?

      having said that USA stocks 30% div withholding tax, more than $60,000 subjected to estate death tax of 50% of your USA money. so gotta think carefullly.

    3. Hi Kyith,

      Happy New Year! Wah....this government issue is very sensitive....I think every government in the world has flaws..there's no perfect country unless you want to live on an island like Richard Branson. Not to worry, I'm not going to invest that much into US stocks and my focus is on growth stocks rather than dividend paying ones.

  2. Joyce,

    Hmm... Hubby experiences with US stocks you downplay.

    Other elderly man's experiences you extrapolate.

    In medieval times, you would be give 10 lashes!


    Listen to your internal combustion engine more.

    What's the point of life long learning when you're cold blooded and need to depend on the Sun for your activities?

    Be one hot mama!

    1. Hi SMOL,

      He doesn't like US stocks because of the time difference which means waking up the next day can bring bad shocks your system. Haha luckily I don't live in the medieval times where women are drowned because they can't bear children when we know that it's not always the women's fault!


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